Sell Carbon black N550,Carbon black N660
Carbon black N550,Carbon black N660-Beilum Carbon Chemical Limited Carbon Black N550 Other Name:Fast Extrusion Furnace Black;FEF Carbon black N550 has smooth particle surface and high structure,resulting in best reinforcement properties among soft carbon blacks. Application:Carbon black N550 is used in fabric cord,tire side compound,extrusion and rolling compounds. Carbon Black N660 OTHER NAME:General Purpose Furnace Black;GPF Carbon black N660 has high tensile stress,good processing performance,high rebounding performance and high flexibility.It is widely used in various fields. Application:Carbon black N660 is used in fabric cord of tire,inner tire,bicycle tire,hose,belt,cable,shoes,extrusion compounds and rolling compounds. Beilum Carbon Chemical Limited TEL: +86-632 899 2979 FAX: +86-632 899 2936 Web: E-mail:
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