Sell Wedge Wire Screen
Anping Tenglu metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD Wedge Wire Screen Wedge wire is manufactured by flat welded screen in panel or cylinder type. Flat welded wedge wire panels offer a perfectly flat and smooth surface with rectangular openings. Welded Wedge Wire Screens are made from V shaped profile wire, with an unique welding process, offering great strength, precision, long service life and a wide range of applications in the field of process, engineering such as sugar juice filtration, waste water treatment, crude oil and natural gas production and vessel internals solving problems of solid / liquid and solid / gas separation, filtration of oils, greases, paints, food products, water, fuels, liquid cooling agents, chemicals etc. Wedge Wire ScreenWedge wire can replace conventional media like wire mesh cloth, perforated plate and other metal sifting materials as components for rotary screen, well screen, quarry screen, etc. Application: Separating;Sizing;Straining;De-watering;Filtering;Drying;Water intake;Media retention
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