Sell k humate
Enhancing nutrient uptake by combining nutrients and humic aid as well as keep a well-balanced nutrition. Improving the structure of soil, increasing the buffering powder of soil, optimize N. P. K absorption by plants. Neutralizing both acid and alkaline soils, regulating the PH value of soils, with the prominent effect in alkaline and acidic soil Reducing nitrate leaking into the groundwater and protect the underground water Enhancing the resilience of crops, such as cold, drought, pest, disease and toppling resistance Stabilizing nitrogen and improving nitrogen efficiency (as an additive with urea) Promoting healthier, stronger plants and beautifying appearance Petroleum drilling fluid decreasing and filtering agent Boiler anti-scaling agent and water quality stabilizer Cementing agent for pulverized coal shaping Removing toxic metals and their ions from wastewater Dispersing agent and deflocculating agent Assisting in the removal of trace amounts of grease, oil, liquid organics and suspended matter
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