Yangzhou Caltes Group Co., Ltd.
회사 프로필
Caltes Group Ltd., consisted of Yangzhou Jiadehao Knitting and woven Co., Ltd. And Yangzhou Jiadi Garment Co., Ltd. is a modern apparel firm combining fabric and apparel manufacturing established in 1996, research & development, trading and processing businesses. It is located in Yangzhou, one of the Chinese famous historical and cultural cities, with the registered capital of US$ 8, 000, 000. It covers the area of 36, 000 square meters and occupies the building space of 36, 000 m2, with the 28, 000 m2 of building space and the 5, 000 m2 of supporting area respectively. It enjoys the convenient transportation, so it takes only a few minutes' ride from the North Exit of Yangzhou Belt highway to the company.
회사 정보
Apparel & Fashion
Ladies' Tops,Skirt & Dress,Men's Wear,Knitwear,Hat & Cap
101 - 500
US$5 Million-US$10 Million
US$1 Million-US$2.5 Million
ISO 9001
회원 정보
Director/CEO/General Manager
공급자에게 메시지 보내기
Bai(Yangzhou Caltes Group Co., Ltd.)

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